Update from Our Director
Update from Our Director https://pathwaysgbf.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/image-1024x576.jpeg 1024 576 Pathways - Guiding Bright Futures https://pathwaysgbf.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/image-1024x576.jpegFor this latest newsletter, we’d like to bring you a word from our Director:
Thank you for helping us press through 2020! Throughout this unusual year, Pathways’ focus became building up the mental health of our young adults, and protecting and caring for the mental health of our staff. We are so grateful that we were able to continue our services to grown up orphans in Mumbai through the pandemic! While many other organizations were forced to dramatically reduce their operations or shut their doors, we were able to persevere because of the support of our Partners. With your help, we were able to pivot from in person care, to virtual care, and then to hybrid care for 24 grown up orphans.
Our focus became:
- Providing for the essential needs of our young people
- Building up the mental health of our young adults
- Protecting, and caring for the mental health of our staff
It has been a stretching year, and one that has taught us the importance of passing on hope. Our team is taking time to look back and learn from all that we have experienced. We are conducting a review of our program; and are in the process of discovering ways to adapt Pathways program to the new normal that Covid-19 has created. We are grateful for you who have poured out generosity, for our staff who have persevered with our young adults this year, and our young people who against all odds have been resilient!